Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thoughts About Writing the Faculty Issues Paper

This learning experience has been well worth the investment in returning to school.  Online technology is an area of education where I think "I fit in" and "Can just play".  This course encourages exploration and provides a free forum for discussion.  This is such a welcome and conducive learning environment FOR ME! I'm so accustomed to making the learning environment conducive to the student and am certainly enjoying my experience as a student. :)

In my work setting at the community college, online instruction isn't embraced by all the faculty.  Conversations about different methods, experiences, or thoughts appear to end in additional job tasks to "DO for someone else", thus further limiting one's time to spend in one's own online course development. LOL  So, with that being said, I am trying to work wisely at the community college by sharing all these thoughts and concerns in my UA classroom blog, otherwise, my study/preparation time will be cut short in part to completing other colleagues' course development where I work....that sounds awful, I know.....I'm blogging though.....

In our most recent UA assignment, I especially enjoyed reading the article by Dr. Wright and think it's SO NEAT to be learning with course content researched by our professors! Looking forward to reading some of yours, Dr. Rice, too!! :) This nice inclusion really customizes this learning experience, adds a personal touch, and draws me into the online class because I can say, "I know this author.". Love it!

I'm nodding with all the synchronous methods of instruction (i.e. Wimba, Virtual Classroom, etc.) and asynchronous (i.e. discussion board, grade book, email, etc.) and am blown away at the different creative teaching strategies the U of Illinois site presented.  I'm familiar and have used simulations, gaming, journaling, wiki, virtual classroom, and synchronous/asynchronous methods.  I really feel "at home" in the online instructor role and am excited to add more technologies and try new ideas.  I am going to incorporate blogging into my clinical group next semester and am a bit reluctant in hearing the "aftermath" or rather, "words of discouragement" from some of my colleagues....nevertheless, this is a venue that I really want to try and won't discover the new ocean unless I loose sight of the shore.... wish me well!! :)


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